jc blog - tales of a modern-day nomadic hunter-gatherer

Follow jcomeau_ictx on Twitter This is the weblog of Intrepid Wanderer. You never know what you might find here; graphic descriptions of bodily functions, computer programming secrets, proselytizing for the antichrist, miscellaneous ranting and kvetching, valuable information on living off the land... if you don't share my rather weird interests you may want to try slashdot instead.

You can consider my Del.icio.us links an extension to my blog, as are my LifeTango goals and my other to-do items. My to-buy list is also public, but only for sharing any useful ideas that might be there; I'm not requesting charity, neither do I offer it.

You can find me easily in google searches, as jcomeau, jcomeau_ictx, or jcomeauictx. There are lots of other jcomeaus, but AFAIK I'm the only jcomeau_ictx out there so far.

If you want to comment on anything you see here, try the new Facebook comments, reachable by clicking the "[comment]" link at the end of each post. If for some reason that isn't working, go ahead and email me, jc.unternet.net. You know what to do with the first dot. Make the 'subject' line something reasonably intelligent-looking or it goes plunk! into the spambasket unread.

This RSS feed may or may not work. Haven't fiddled with it in forever. RSS Feed


Just a reminder, primarily for myself: running OpenWrt Backfire version 10.03.1, under System | Startup, don't enable the "umount" initscript. It's disabled for a reason; enabling it will cause it to hang on boot. [comment]


I was having a problem with a Makefile again, particularly with pattern rules, and running make -d showed lots of "Avoiding implicit rule recursion." messages. Changed the pattern to something more specific, and it worked. Got to remember that. I'm always getting hung up on stuff like that. [comment]


Pandora stopped working through Telmex a few weeks back. I had configured the router with smartdns's servers, but for some reason they weren't being used. After googling up the right Android command, getprop | grep dns, I found that two IPV6 nameservers were taking precedence over the smartdns IPV4 settings. After trying various things, tonight I realized that the DD-WRT extender next door was connecting to the Telmex router. Just out of desperation, I tried connecting to it. The getprop command showed neither IPV6 DNS server! I launched Pandora, and it fucking worked! [comment]


On my way to Home Depot today, I passed the Puntanorte sales office, so wandered through their outdoor display to see if I could figure out where the damned place actually is. One of the many posters showed it: it's on the road to Cd. Constitución, past Centenario, on the left side of the Transpeninsular just before the turnoff to El Mogote. What a lie. If it actually gets built, it will be one of the farthest "colonias" southwest of La Paz. "North point" my ass. [comment]


I thought I had, many years ago, written up my ASCII-based phonetic alphabet, made by repurposing redundant letters. But I can't find it, so I'll do it again, and keep it here in my blog for posterity. This one may not be exactly the same, in fact I'm pretty sure it isn't.

a - as in Spanish "a", American "ah". 4 - the "aw" in "saw" or the "a" in British "father". b - same as English. c - hard "th" as in English "bath". d - same as English. e - like the first part of "a" in English "fade"; the pure Spanish "e" sound as in "mesa". 3 - like English "short e"; the "e" in English "echo" or "pen". f - as in Enlish and Spanish. g - as in English "go", Spanish "gas". h - like English "h" in "hot". i - as in English "mink", Spanish "fin". 1 - as in English "fish": the "short i". j - like the French "j". English "j" should be phonetically spelled "dj". k - like German "ach", Spanish "j". l - as in English. Will also stand for French, German, Spanish "l" sounds even though they are qualitatively different. m - as in English, Spanish, and many other languages. n - as in English, Spanish, and many other languages. o - as in Spanish "foto", English "prone". p - as in English, Spanish, and many other languages. q - "k" in English. r - as in English. Can also be the dental click in Spanish or the uvular "r" of German and French. s - as in English and (usually) Spanish. t - as in English, Spanish, and many other languages. u - as in English "push", German "Mutti". v - as in English and Spanish. w - long "u" as in English "ruse", Spanish "mula". Also "w" as in "we". x - as in German "ich". Can also be the "sh" in English "she". y - "soft th" as in English "the". z - as in English.

A text in this phonetic alphabet could have normal English spelling interspersed "in quotes like this".

A text in normal English (or other language) could have phonetic words <1n 3ingl br33ck1ts laik y1s>.

Doubling and combining letters doesn't change their sounds; doubling only lengthens it, as the <33> above for representing the "a" in "bracket".

I may have to change some things if this isn't universal enough. Let's reserve capital letters not "in quotes meaning standard spelling" for other unique sounds. [comment]


I guess it's time to admit publicly what I've already told a few friends in private: I'm dropping out of law school. While it's still theoretically possible for me to get in the necessary hours, practically speaking, it ain't gonna happen. I lost the drive.

The main problem is lack of discipline, but there are other factors. While working on my thesis papers, I came to realize that application of Lockean rights is rare to nonexistent in American jurisprudence, and in E.J. Parker's case, he was not even allowed to approach these ideas in his defense.

Then covid-19 restrictions put the lie to the entire bill of rights, as freedom to travel, to congregate, to spend one's own time and money supporting businesses and causes he favors, were all thrown out the window, for a virus. There is no rule of law in the United States. There are 50 state-level dictatorships, one at the federal level, and thousands more in cities, counties, and territories.

It was a comforting lie while it lasted, though. [comment]

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